Comprehensive Growth Plan Committee Appointed

Fairhope, Alabama

Planning Commission Chairman Lee Turner appointed a committee to come up with a "plan of attack" for updating the city's comprehensive growth plan (click). The mayor had asked that such a committee be formed.

Appointed were Rich Mueller, Kevin Boone, George Roberbs, Bob Clark, Lee Turner, and Jennifer Fidler.

Updating the plan is a step in the process mentioned by the Alabama Communities of Excellence program currently underway.

Turner said he expected the committee to meet before the next Planning Commission meeting.


Anonymous said…
Just more of the "Good Ole Boy" gang.
Anonymous said…
You are correct. All on the Mayor's payroll. But as long as the flower clock is built....happy, happy, happy.
Anonymous said…
WHY don't these people actually do something for the people that live here instead of glorifying themselves?
Anonymous said…
"WHY don't these people actually do something for the people that live here instead of glorifying themselves?"

Because that's the "Fairhope way"!