New Parker Road Bank Gets Approval

The plans for an Iberia Bank at the SE corner of US 98 and Parker Rd. in the Fly Creek PUD (aka "Publix") were unanimously approved at the November Planning Commission meeting--conditioned upon the preservation of the current "natural condition" of all plants in the adjacent vegetative buffer along HWY98. Commissioner Jennifer Fidler (and City Horticulturist) observed that in order to comply with (city) regulations and maintain the pristine buffer, the bank's sign would not be visible from HWY 98: " . . . make sure that's clear . . . we don't want it to be an issue . . . down the road." Project Architect Michael Carboni: "Yes Ma'am. We understand . . . about the nature of the buffer . . . along the highway . . . and how that will affect (our) sign's visibility . . . we're fine with that." Fidler then asked if the sign is to be illuminated after dark; and how the electric wiring is to be run to it. "Will you need (to dig) a trench?" Carboni: "Yes Ma'am (will be illuminated). If that's an issue (trench) we could go another way." Fidler: "Make sure . . . all wiring goes underground (instead) . . . so it (trench) won't damage tree roots." Carboni: "OK . . . going to be very careful . . . instruct our contractors . . . protect the buffer." Commission Chairman Wilson (to recorder Boyette): "Make sure that gets in the minutes . . . applicant understands buffer will remain natural (untouched) and will affect their sign's visibility." Wilson (to Planner Johnathan Smith): "You've done a good job protecting buffer plantings . . . everyone seems clear on what needs to be done." [A chain link fence was to be installed along the edges of the project to protect plant material from construction equipment as well]


Anonymous said…
bet being call Ma'am makes Ms. Fiddler feel old before her time.
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to see (or not) sign from hwy 98. don't believe they can or want to.