Geese Causing High Bacteria Readings At Beach?

Fairhope, Alabama

Duck pond outfall


During its June meeting, Gary Gover the city's environmental committee chairman said his own testing indicated the Canada geese are most-responsible for periodic high e-coli bacteria readings in the bay along municipal beach.

He said readings at the outfall of the duck pond were especially high, "hundreds of times" more than periodic testing by ADEM/ADPH in the vicinity in many cases.

Gover: "... even during dry weather my test results are showing pollution rates higher than recommended.  A likely cause are the resident geese ... each deposits 4# of fecal matter in the park every day."

"Children may be found routinely playing in the pond effluent, in geese feces, and polluted water along the beach."

Blinking lights installed by the city only move the geese from one area of the park to another, and "no wildlife feeding" laws are not being enforced, he said.


One committee member suggested using herding dogs to frighten the geese away as is done in other parts of the country; more blinking lights have already been ordered to install all over the park.

Mayor Wilson told the Times she agrees something more needs to be done; but wants it done in a "humane manner."

(Goose population usually peaks in mid-summer then begins to decline.)

Gover standing


Anonymous said…
With number of geese being in excess of 250 and each goose pooping 4#'s a day, that's over 1,000#'s of goose poop a day.
Anonymous said…
Maybe the goose huggers could potty train them or put diapers on them?
Unknown said…
Of course the city is going to blame the geese. Brainiacs! Look at the failing sewer system and runoff due to lack of control over development.
Anonymous said…
Another example of our hopelessly broken government. Can't solve a simple problem like this.
Anonymous said…
I’ve quit walking on or anywhere near the pier due to all the fecal matter from the geese and other. 6 am most mornings there’s a crew downtown cleaning the sidewalks and flower beds, you’d think the most visited part of Fairhope and supposedly Crown Jewel could be cleaned occasionally.

Anonymous said…
Gary Gover for Mayor
Anonymous said…
"Can't solve a simple problem like this."

Please share your "simple" solution to this "simple" problem.

Instead of cursing the darkness, why not light a candle?

Anonymous said…
Simple solution - shotgun and bird shot.
Anonymous said…
stop people from feeding them. problem solved.
Anonymous said…
Since I was a child I knew geese were messy and generally obnoxious. There are any number of ways they can humanely be “told” to hit the road. Noise and lights will work. Now that the problem is clearly identified our government needs to do something. I would go so far as to say our city employees need to take the initiative and do something. The mayor needs to get it moving if no one has the gumption to get this moving. The fix to this problem does not need to be hung up with bureaucracy and red tape.
Anonymous said…
Agree with last post..Someone needs to just do it and not make a big deal about it. For goodness sake it’s not even controversial.
Anonymous said…
This is an easy fix.According the the Dept of Federal fish and Wildlife ,a group or pair of dogs can be used at little or no expense to the city will cause the geese to dispatch and leave.This type of K-9 use has worked in multiple locations around the country.It's NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.AS for walking in that area of the park,two thing need to addresses 1) the second bathroom nor parking lot is ADA compliant as the city charges fees to enter(non residence) on single tax property rented or leased by the city.This a Federal violation of the American disability act (this appropriations of funds) and a violation of the Federal Fair housing Act.So if the city was a really transparent governed city that advertises itself as an open minded RETIREMENT community.This wouldn't be an issue.Yet many stores and store fronts downtown to include the city refuses to enforce it's own compliance as the side walks are impeded through out the downtown area.Chairs,tables,planters,hard steps doors.All they ask is REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS.What a slap in the face to the disabled veterans who can't even visit the town.How wonderful that even many of the churches attend by so many AMERICAN SAVED CHRISTIANS stand idly by in silence.Well GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Pauline said…
This is Fairhope’s major swim and play in the sand area. The City knows that area often had dangerously high bacteria counts. Anyone with a suppressed immune system can become seriously ill using this beach as a beach is intended to be used. It seems the City could be setting itself up for lawsuits as it continued to keep this polluted beach open.
Anonymous said…
As long as the geese/ducks stay in the duck pond area, which they typically do, this should be manageable. We need security personnel to drive through the area regularly, however, as people are always there poisoning them with bread and chips, etc. If someone wants to feed them, they should at least feed them appropriate food.
Also, the fees at this beach need to be increased and we should not allow out-of-towners to park there on the 4th of July. Because of the trees, the fireworks cannot be seen from town and many other areas, but all parking spots were taken by others by about 2:00 on the 4th this year. It was clear that that most of these visitors did not live here because so many of them went into the water. Everyone that lives here knows that this is where so much of the Daphne and Fairhope sewer goes to rest. I am so tired of hearing the filth blamed on wildlife; more likely it is human filth.
Anonymous said…
We are not a RETIREMENT community. Anyone with one foot in the grave should just jump on in; don't label a vibrant active community with a lethal label. There are plenty of places to go that are wheelchair accessible; I am so sick of people inventing things to gripe about. Perhaps LaPerouse in Nice should be torn down to accommodate a new building with elevators because one sourpuss is too lazy to drive farther down the beach?
Anonymous said…
I do remember several years back when the spike in fecal bacteria was traced to Canada Geese at the park. They were removed.
It seems as if the Canada geese have run off the rest of the ducks and the geese. i do know that once Canada geese come, they multiply and it is hard to get control over them. Look at the front entrance of Belaton on AL 181. They have started a small colony and have gotten larger and larger.