Water Pump Fails; Emergency Declared

Fairhope, Alabama 


Update: Checking in to whether this is meant to be voluntary or mandatory at this point. At any rate customers are asked to reduce consumption.

Pump failure.


Well number 4.


Due to a mechanical failure of the main water pump (broken shaft) at well number four on S. Section Street north of Dairy Road early this morning, the city council declared a general state of emergency during tonight's council meeting -- so that repairs may be expedited (without usual bidding requirements).

Over one million gallons of water capacity was lost,  until a temporary pump is installed maybe by Wednesday or Thursday according to water department supervisors; it could take up to 6-8 weeks to acquire a new pump for permanent repairs. The temporary pump will have a reduced capacity in the interim.

This pump is vital to maintaining water pressure in downtown areas, according to water department personnel.


For the next 7-10 days, citizens/water customers are being asked to conserve water using the phase three guidelines adopted last year that include restrictions on lawn watering (see below).  

Council president Martin: "We are asking/recommending citizens ... work with us ... go into phase three ... not use irrigation ... for a week."


Phase three guidelines.





Anonymous said…
Could not happen at a worse time. Strange.
Anonymous said…
Are we certain it’s voluntary conservation? The City sent out a bulletin that states Phase III is mandatory.
Anonymous said…
Publisher said…
This report is about what we heard/observed during the meeting. Expect some clarification tomorrow. Either way, conservation is being asked for.
Anonymous said…
Is anyone surprised or just the city council
Anonymous said…
Build baby build.
Anonymous said…
An ordinance should be passed stating that any new housing developments must pay a certain amount based on a percentage of the number of units/lots/square footage of house, to be dedicated to building/maintaining wells. All cost of new developments to connect to the water/sewer to be passed to developers. The city should have a spare pump in stock.
Anonymous said…
If we are in Phase III and someone is a water customer but NOT IN CITY LIMITS then the city cannot fine them? Correct?
Publisher said…
No. The city's police jurisdiction extends beyond city limits.
Anonymous said…
Maybe Jesus is still mad at us?
Anonymous said…
Doesn't it seem like this would be the perfect time to get that daily 500,000 gallons from Daphne? If not now, what was the purpose of the agreement??
Anonymous said…
They ain't really fining nobody Yall just water a little less for a while.
PeggiD said…
question about fining customer outside Fairhope City limits - some of the new subdivisions are NOT likely in Fairhope Police jurisdiction, like Highlands at Fish River and Elizabeth Gardens - those are closer to Silverhill.
Anonymous said…
I don’t understand . You can fill you pool but I can’t water my grass?
Publisher said…
Elizabeth Gardens changed to Silverhill water; not sure what the current staus of the other is.
Anonymous said…
Ordinance doesn't allow water emergnecy yet. has to be shortage for 7 days. stay tuned.
Anonymous said…
Pumps like the one that failed give plenty of warnings of potential disaster. I would question the Preventive Maintenance that the city is performing on such a CRITICAL piece of equipment. But...it is also very fishy that we are having a issue with water supply during a very hot and dry spell.
Anonymous said…
A previous article posted here states that the new well that came online on this past spring will increase capacity by 2 million gallons per day, and the Daphne tie-in will provide 500,000 additional gallons per day for emergency use should have provide adequate supply under Phase II curtailment. So why is Phase III curtailment initiated?
Anonymous said…
Subdivisions do pay a system development charge, and tap fees.
Anonymous said…
Well if you read the ordnance, they should have already been in phase 3 because of the large amounts of water being used. But politicians are to scared to enact since they made it seem that the new well and Daphne water would be enough. Remember if Daphne has any water issues and their water volume is low then Fairhope would not be able to use any from Daphne.