Question 3): Our school, the (Larry) Newton School, is outside the city limits. If you annex the school (building) in, but not the (area) around it, where do you stand there (families living in adjacent neighborhoods)?
Dr Harvey: "If there is a (current) Baldwin County School site outside your city limits and you annex it now--then, when you form your new city system, you get it automatically; but reverse the order--form your system then decide to annex that school property--then the county (Board) will expect something for it ($).
Two issues: We were talking about the political gambit of the city acquiring property (via annexation) for tax purposes . . . only affects city taxes . . . has nothing to do with those kids unless a separate city school system is actually formed . . . then it would have no affect on those children until an agreement of separation is signed . . . could take 2 years after you begin the process . . . a good time away . . . a whole lot of things could be changing (by then) . . . (it) would have to be your Board's decision at that time. The Council (could) decide that in anticipation of how it would like the city to grow . . . (they could) annex that school site . . . (simultaneously) making the decision about surrounding property to be annexed (as well)--on the basis of logical demographics . . . . drawing of (municipal) boundaries and providing city services.
What I was getting at, if you did form, you have entitlement to legal title of school property when you sign the separation agreement and that (county's) Board signed off on it . . . both Boards agree . . . guess reasonably that's 3 years off best case. Nobody can make any promises at this point . . . (the) only promise that can (definitively) be made is: if there is (ever) a Fairhope City School System, any (city) resident will be served; and . . . the new city Board, upon separation, makes the decision . . . (if there) is an attendance zone (rationally drawn) that will allow (for) kids outside the city to come."
Responding to a question from a citizen observering, Committee Chair Quinn said questions from the public should be directed to Committee members before and after its meetings.