Controversial New Noise Ordinance Still Being Debated

decibel meter
The City Council decided to delay consideration of the proposed new ordinance (modeled after Mobile's) until its Dec. 13th meeting--to allow more time for  tweaking and public input. Several citizens missed the deadline for signing up to speak at the last council meeting (12 noon) and the decibel level, where its measured and other issues are yet to be resolved.

A motion was made by Councilman Mixon to lower the daytime limit in residential neighborhoods from the proposed  85 decibels to 75 (measured at the complainant's property line), but that met with opposition from an attorney for a marina restaurant. The limit will
be 50 after 10PM.

The attorney representing the Fly Creek Cafe (click) called the 85db limit "enforceable" but warned  75 may be too low for his client.

The Council decided to wait until its Dec. 13th meeting.

Some businesses on Bancroft St. have also been the subject of citizen complaints.


Green Party said…
Problems like this are just another down side of the rapid growth. The politicians and other folks who think it's a good thing bringing in the big box stores, mega subdivisions, and chain hotels need to realize the down side of such things.

Those supporting big economic growth while longing for the good old days is preposterous. Cant have it both ways.
Anonymous said…
Looks to us like somebody is getting ready to file still another lawsuit againt the city. Lawyers get rich around here.
Anonymous said…
growth brings changes. nobody can turn the clock back. unfortunately.
Anonymous said…
There are to many people in that tiny room . where is our fire marshall.