New Fairhope Street Paving List Emerges


A new proposed street paving list has been posted by the City Council for input and opionons from citizens.

This new list replaces a much shorter one that was posted by the Mayor  last week.

Several councilmembers had objected to the previous short list of the mayor's priorities: they wanted more input from the public before deciding which streets to pave, within the available budget ($2.3 million).

Councilman Kingrea had asked the mayor at the last Council meeting to published the proposals so citizens could have some input;  but objected to the Mayor's shortened prioritized list -- before gauging public sentiment. (See the previous post below)


The Council is seeking more input from the public before they approve any of the proposals listed below -- possibly during the next council meeting.


Please click the link below to see the Fairhope Repaving Projects.  Please feel free to contact the Mayor's office by phone at 251-925-2136 or via email at or your City Council representatives with any questions or concerns regarding this list:
Fairhope Paving Projects


Anonymous said…
Let the political games begin!
Anonymous said…
There uses to be a thing called Street Committee to decide which ones really needed paving rather than let the politicians muck it up and just spend our money in their buddies neighborhoods.
Anonymous said…
Weren't those "buddies" on the street committee anyway?
Anonymous said…
The best thing to do is establish a steet paving list based on age, condition and traffic volume. Then each year you pave based on need and budget. This takes the BS out of paving. It's called good management.
Anonymous said…
why not start on Morphy east of Greeno where school buses travel everyday and people try to walk down the side of the road because there are no side walks.
Anonymous said…
This Mayor ought to be ashamed of himself the way he forces employees to lie for him time after time.