Yield to Pedestrians Signs Back Up

ORIGINAL DESIGN CHANGED                                  

Pedestrian protection signs have been reinstalled at intersections around the city.

The original ones had to be changed from "stop" for pedestrians to "yield" due to confusion they were causing for motorists.

A local girl scout group had requested the signs last year, as a scouting project.

Police Chief Press says he has heard no complaints abut the new signs.


Anonymous said…
We hope that it doesn't give a false sense of security to walkers. Its always been the law anyway, but no one folowed it.
Anonymous said…
"The original ones had to be changed from "stop" for pedestrians to "yield" due to confusion they were causing for motorists."

That should read, "due to confusion they were causing for some motorists who shouldn't be allowed to drive."
Anonymous said…
I believe that the sign on North Section near the "y" will cause an accident before it is all over and done with
Anonymous said…
Shouldn't be allowed to drive? Yeah, because only an idiot would actually stop when they saw a "STOP" sign in the middle of the road. Geez. The signs obviously needed to say "yield." I think it's kinda silly to have them up anyway even though the intentions are good. I didn't know hit and runs were a major problem in Fairhope. Sign or no sign...LOOK before crossing!
Anonymous said…
The sign read "State Law says STOP" for pedestrians. I figured that out in about 2 seconds. Even if the sign confused you the first time, it shouldn't have to continue to confuse you every time you saw it. And once word got around about these signs, they shouldn't have been a problem. The fact we did have a problem shows the mentality of many of the drivers in Fairhope.
Anonymous said…
I figured a brilliant person like yourself that figured it out so quickly would also realize VISITORS drive in Fairhope. You don't put a "STOP" sign in the road unless people are supposed to actually stop. Not everyone is the super genius, Harvard educated Ph.D that I am sure you are.
Anonymous said…
If we had more people like me and less like you, the signs wouldn't have been a problem...
Anonymous said…
I thinks the police shud have said somthin on the news bout this