Fairhope Library Has Maintenance Issues

CHRONIC AIR CONDITIONING PROBLEMS                              

After citing problems with the library's air conditioning system since its opening in 2007, Councilman Stankoski concluded that poor maintenance was a cause.

Stankoski: "Most of the issues could be prevented  . . . by a general maintenance contract . . . very expensive equipment . . . not getting maintenance it needs."

Stankoski suggested seeking bids from private companies to provide necessary maintenance to keep the system functioning properly would prevent expensive repairs and "save us a lot of money in the long run." (The library had to close recently for 2 days due to an AC failure.)


Mayor Kant replied that a city wide energy audit is now underway; and that is expected to be a part of its recommendations (improved AC maintenance).


Chronic mold/mildew on some ceiling tiles and plumbing problems in the women's restroom have also been reported at the library.


Anonymous said…
Looks like they could at least change filters.