Utility Revenue Down Due to Warm Winter

Fairhope, Alabama


During a mid-year review, city Utility Mangers told the financial advisory committee that some revenues are less than budgeted for (by about $1 million) because of the unusually mild winter.

Electric Dept. Superintendent Scott Sligh said his revenues were falling about $700,000 short and the Gas Department's Steve Seay said natural gas usage was down about 25%.

Water Dept. Manager Dan McCrory said water usage was down as well, but he expected it to pick up in the coming warmer months.

Sligh said his department was still "in the black" overall though: only projected profits were reduced.

Financial Advisory Chairman Chuck Zunk told the Times the shortfalls could be made up by adjusting transfers from the utilities (to the general fund) and by belt tightening within the departments.

(Publisher's Note: Mayor Kant said customers' electric bills may be reduced somewhat in coming months due to an expected reduction of the fuel adjustment factor)


Anonymous said…
Oh boy, get ready. Sure they'll make a rate adjustment, but probably AFTER they raise our rates.