Meeting Recordings No Longer To Be Kept

Fairhope, Alabama

By a 4-1 vote, the city council decided to keep audio recordings of City Council and Planning and Zoning meetings only until the official written minutes are approved.

In 2009, after citizens complained some of the official meeting minutes did not match their recollections of what actually happened (click) --  the previous city council voted to make audio recordings and keep them for 5 years.

Council member Brewer was the sole dissenting vote -- proposing instead the recordings be kept for the term of the 4 year council, as is done in Orange Beach.

Brewer: "Why wouldn't that be an option, as opposed to just deleting them altogether ... ."


Councilmember Burrell asked why city staff would like to make the changes: "This resolution doesn't bother me ... whether we keep them 4, 5 years or destroy them ... I don't have anything to hide ... but, I would like to know ... why exactly ... staff ... would like to have this approved ... ."

There was no audible response.

A source at city hall says the recordings are rarely if ever used and the recording device often malfunctions

(The Times has learned there may be a renewed effort to televise meetings on the local cable TV access channel, or the Internet.)


Anonymous said…
Really, no one knows why the Mayor doesn't want any recordings?
Anonymous said…
if they are not used, it is just a waste of employees time to do it .
Anonymous said…
I like the Internet television suggestion. Then they will be preserved indefinitely.
Anonymous said…
These recordings were for a purpose: almost everything of genuine importance was not being included in the official "minutes". I am so dissapointed in this council (except Brewer on this one issue)...they all act like they are attached to the puppet strings attached to Tim and controlled by the puppet masters. On the Mayor's need to ask why because whatever he wants he gets as dictated by the puppet masters. Even all the committees are being abolished, (environmental, tree, etc., on mayor's recommendation). My one hope was Burrell...why does this council even exist anymore? All they do is "yes sir, mayor, what ever you say". Supposed to be STRONG council and WEAK mayor. Set up under the Code of AL that way, but they all just sit up there like big shots and do as commanded. It is not illegal to record any of these meetings by the public as long as it doesn't interfere with the meeting. But I'm certain the mayor will convince the council to outlaw that....and all decisions are already made prior to these meetings....what a waste of time and resources. When City's broke, Council will get blame because they are responsible for finances. Tim will bankrupt City and blame it on council, but he can pick two other candidates next election and have an entire 5 member council with strings attached.
Anonymous said…
Unbeleivable....but does give even more reason NOT to trust any elected official....don't want info out there, may cause problems. Would probably mean, too, Kant has complete review of minutes before "official" again. Council pres's job. Thought he (Burrel) might work out, but changing my mind.
Anonymous said…
Just like the presidential election, no one would listen during campaigning. We tried to warn everyone that these were going to be Tim's puppets, but no one heeded the warnings. So, like Obama, we are stuck with Kant for four more years.
Anonymous said…
Kant has to ensure truths & facts are gone, just like promises made by Corte before shopping center approved. He stood up, made a speech before recordings & of course nothing was included in minutes, so no promises, & ruined environment, lawsuits & cronies win, again.
Anonymous said…
Well there you go Fairhope residents. As long as the Flowers are pretty you are happy. You get what you voted much for the surplus....Fairhope is a joke and the King rules!!!!
Anonymous said…
Can't have facts documented that might get in the way of political paybacks! Voters said flowers over honesty, transparency or ethics! Way to go good ok boys! Make the south proud!