Fairhope Avenue Projects To Finally Begin?

Fairhope, Alabama


According to the mayor and public works officials,  much-needed  paving of Fairhope Avenue from Bancroft Street all the way out to HWY 181 will begin in January.

Although the exact plan has not been made public, it was previously announced the pavement (east of Greeno) will be widened about three feet allowing for bicycles (but no marked bike lanes) -- and some drainage and intersection improvements will be installed along the way as well.

The Hwy 181 intersection will get signalized crosswalks and landscaping similar to downtown's.

According to informed sources, the two-year delay was caused mostly by a holdup of state ATRIP funding in Washington, because of political gridlock: A new transportation budget was just passed by Congress and signed by the President after a five year delay (FAST ACT).

Chronic state funding shortfalls also played a role.

Most funding for both projects came from the federal/state sources; but the city had to provide matching funds as well to get the grants (about 20%).

Total cost for both projects is about $2.6 million.


roundabout plans
Preliminary earth work has begun on the roundabout at the CR 13 junction as well: That project is supposed to be completed by July of 2016.

Its design was offset slightly to the north to avoid extra right-of-way acquisition/utility-relocation costs.

The road will have to be closed for about a month next summer.

(When funding becomes available, another roundabout is planned for Cr 13  at Gayfer Ext. about a half mile north.)

up is north


Anonymous said…
Yes!!! Outstanding option through which to safely move school buses loaded with our children! Now to get the same done at the very dangerous Fairhope Flower Clock at North Section, 104 and Main Street where no one wants to yield to school buses!
Anonymous said…
Don't forget Oak Avenue and Section Street. Someone is going to get seriously hurt here if something isn't done with the increase of traffic. Still seems to me a traffic signal at each of these intersections would be alot simpler than tearing up and putting in a round about. Just my opinion.
Publisher said…
Plans already exist to improve several risky intersections around town, including Oak Ave. at Section St., but the city council has failed to provide funding for them.

see http://thefairhopetimes.blogspot.com/2015/09/no-money-left-for-traffic-problems.html
Anonymous said…
I'm also pumped about the roundabouts. When used correctly, traffic keeps flowing! Just imagine Fairhope Ave at 13 with NO STOP SIGN. Can't wait!
Also, if they're taking the time to widen the road, why no marked lanes for the bicyclists? In my opinion, marked lanes helps drivers and bicyclists establish safer boundaries.
Anonymous said…
They need to get up off their butts and do somethiong about the bishop Rd intersection, instead of wasting money on sports all the time.
Anonymous said…
Why is everything so secretive these days?
Anonymous said…
Agree to the last comment. You can hardly find anything on the city's web page. What about the new comprehensive plan with the developement on Greeno Road?
Anonymous said…
It is a Fairhope tradition to mis-manage capital projects like this: the library, skate park, community park, soccer complex ... . need I go on?