Fairhope Library Repairs Could Cost $500,000

Fairhope, Alabama

WAV Architects has requested pre-qualification applications from contractors for repairs and maintenance to the exterior of the 72,000 square foot library, with  an estimated cost of "under $500K."

The pre-qualifying procedure is intended to identify responsible and competent prime contract bidders relative to the requirement of the project.

Unusual (modern) building techniques and materials require highly specialized experience and a general contractor for project coordination and oversight, according to the architect Mac Walcot.

The building has been plagued with roof leaks, stucco and other problems since its completion in 2007; it has been damaged by lightning/electrical surges at least twice (click).

The building is  owned and maintained by the city but library operations are controlled by the Library Board,  which operates separately under state law.


Anonymous said…
Nice work architects! Why, oh why would an architect use such "unusual" building techniques on a library? Here's a suggestion - you should have used not so unusual building techniques. You know, the ones that work and don't require a $500K repair by a "specialized" contractor. I guess we'll have to look in the phone book for a specialized contractor that repairs deteriorating stucco that was placed over foam. Really? I'm still waiting on all those concerts to be announced at the new amphitheater. Should have taken that $500K and used it to hire the specialized foam/stucco repair man.
Anonymous said…
Maybe we would all be better off if the useless library board just went away ......
Anonymous said…
The cost over runs were because the Architects didn't like the ceiling ,so tear it out and do it again,then the carpet,then the roof,then the interior.Then NO lighting rods or maintenance,resulting in a fire and d age the insurance wouldn't pay.Even the rear wall is 3 3/4 inches out of plumb,and greater than 8 inched out of square from the original foundation.Most cities and states would file suit to the Architects and contractors for crap work but not here.This library was 3.5 million over costs before it was even completed.
Anonymous said…
The board does do something, they let their friends and family use the facilities for free when they should be charged like everybody else.

Half the town has a key to the place now......
Textide said…
sue the original builder and architects...they are responsible for the errors not the local tax payers
Anonymous said…
With the exception of maybe two board members, the rest of them don't care about the Library's well-being. Look at the Board president! He's a slime ball who has accomplished NOTHING in the 9 LONG years he's been at the head of it all. Shouldn't he have been canned by now? That should be looked in to...