Updated: Council To Consider More Commercial Zoning For Greeno Road

Fairhope, Alabama

Update: The city council decided to hold off on a final decision to give time for the property owner to investigate a way to restrict usage of the property to a bank only (deed restrictions?).

Edwards at Greeno Road


The city council will consider a request to rezone residential property owned by William Wright at the northwest corner of the intersection of Edwards Avenue and Greeno Road for commercial use (local shopping district): a bank is proposed for the site.

After hearing objections to the plan from several adjacent property owners, the Planning Commission voted 4 -1 not to recommend the rezoning request; but the city council could choose to do anyway.

Planning Commissioners questioned the appropriateness of the relatively-small parcel for the proposed use (bank) with a 24-hour ATM in close proximity to residences (traffic, lighting, noise issues, etc.) and whether a precedent may be set for similar re-zoning all along west side of the highway to the north.

Planning Director Dyess said the B - 1 designation was required for a bank to be located there; but other uses permitted under B - 1 include a grocery, dry clearner, restaurant, et al.


Proposals to rezone other parcels on north Greeno for commercial use are also awaiting consideration by the city council but not on Monday's agenda: The 'Park Place PUD' (across from Volanta Park) and rezoning the 'Green Nurseries' property to commercial (B-2) were recommended by the Planning Commission at its August meeting.

Edwards Avenue bank plan


Anonymous said…
There ar enough banks here already.
Anonymous said…
Let them build whatever. If you don't like it, go out and buy this piece of property and live on that 4-lane highway with your family.
Anonymous said…
So true....downtown Fairhope represents every bank on the east coast other than mine, B of A.

There is no reason to have a bank with ATM located in a residential neighborhood.......move to the other side of Greeno, at the very least.
Anonymous said…
It is not single family but multi family residential would do well there.
Anonymous said…
Watching/listening to the City Council meeting. you stated that children use that busy intersection from Bishop Road (Intermediate School) to Edwards Avenue. I can not IMAGINE a parent allowing their children to cross a busy 4-lane highway to get home to Edwards Avenue. Also - Mr. - get a life! The comprehensive plan is MOOT! Drop it - OK!
Anonymous said…
Who sezs the city's comprehensive growth plan is moot? A few greedy Greeno Road residents or recently elected slick politicians who just got here? What about all those town hall meetings the last 20 years where citizens gathered to democratically voice there opinions over the years? just going to throw all that away now? A bad idea!
Anonymous said…
Greedy Greeno Residents? Why don't you go and try to live on a 4 lane highway and raise your children. The comprehensive plan is just that - a plan, an idea, a guide. Nothing in concrete.
Anonymous said…
City has had multiple updates to the original comp plan, the outcomes of which were all bought and paid for prior to any public input, particularly the last update. Since inception of original, it was implemented at the will and used as a weapon to create winners and loosers even though it is only a recommendation and carries no legal weight.
Anonymous said…
We participated in every town hall meeting and felt no pressure by anyone. The problem is that the comprehnsive plan has not been enforced by the Planning Committee or city council and mayors anxious to give favors to their friends and campaign contributors, such as the rezonings on Greeno Road.
Anonymous said…
Greeno would be a perfect place to build affordable housing for those who cannot afford it elsewhere in the town.
Anonymous said…
Arbor Gates already partially section 8 housing, although people complain rent supplemented units are contained in one building and a violation of "civil rights" as taxpayer supplemented "renters" are not spread out in or given the nicer units. Can't figure out that logic. Plus residents living within close proximity, particularly to the north, state problems with theft, vandalism, drug sales, etc., not to mention flying bullets. But if that's what fairhope wants, certain if city continues to stake claim, some property owners, whose property is conducive to such, will be most willing to ablige and join the other 7 section 8 housing developments in fairhope, especially with the eminent domain mentality.
Anonymous said…
The property on Greeno Road is, regardless of zoning, too close to the Bay and too subject to enormous
insurance rates, for anyone to attempt to purchase for low income housing. The insurers have a racket going; anything south of I-10 is saddled with ridiculous rates, so only a fool would try to build anything 'affordable' here.
Perhaps, on a lot by lot basis, some philanthropist might be nudged to build some duplexes an an experiment to see if they could break even?
Anonymous said…
the real fool is they who think they are the superio intelect by calling others fools