Updated: Sewage Overflow Reported At Familiar Location

Fairhope, Alabama

Updated: 2

According to new reports submitted by the city to ADEM, the overflow that began at 6AM Sunday continued until about 2PM Monday; and 100K - 250K gallons of sewage mixed with rain was discharged during the event. (see the report below)


According to a report submitted by the city to ADEM, due to the heavy rain over the weekend up to 10K gallons of sewage diluted with rainwater overflowed from a manhole and lift station near the intersection of Valley and Middle Streets into the Big Head Gully watershed.

Storm water intrusion into sewage pipes on private property in the area is thought to be the major cause of the problem there.

Increasing capacity of the lift station may be part of the solution.

Middle Street manhole

Valley Street lift station


Anonymous said…
People in that neighborhood should be prevented from removing the caps to there sewer access pipes in there yards!
Anonymous said…
Another example of our failed city leaderhip who can not even seem to do a budget on time!
Anonymous said…
people shoudn't be draining their yards into the city sewers.
Anonymous said…
Just plant some flowers there. Problem solved.
Anonymous said…
I live in that neighborhood and we aren't draining yards into the sewer. Chronic problem because the piping has not been maintained so when heavy rains are experienced the water enters the holes and gaps in the sewer piping. The lift pumps cannot handle the increased volume of water so it backs up the sewer until the flows out of the manway. The city attempted to correct last year by sealing the piping using a plastic resin that was injected into old pipe. It was cheaper then replacing the piping but obviously was a waste of money as it is still leaking.
Anonymous said…
I love the ignorance of people who blame failed (read "current") leadership. The prior administration and council holdovers engaged in passive neglect at best, if not active neglect of much of the city's infrastructure. The prior mayor was great at shaking hands. Meanwhile the important needs of the city crumbled beneath his feet. Now, people blame the current administration and new members of the council for issues that have existed for decades; expecting them to fix years of neglect in 12 months.
Anonymous said…
The city of fairhope cannot supply utility services inside or outside the city limits. Citizens being supplied with these sub-par utility services should report to the appropriate regulatory agencies. In the past 2-3 years the city of fairhope has contaminated my drinking water 8-9 times in violation of the Federal Clean Drinking Water Act. My property is outside the city limits, I am in contact with the appropriate regulatory agencies, and I do not want any of the city's services. fairhope stop contaminating my drinking water!
Anonymous said…
Kant is responsible for the mess. The new council is culpable.