Updated: More Stop Signs Coming To Manley Road Too?

Fairhope, Alabama

Update: The city council approved these measures at a subequent meeting.

New 3-way stop proposed for Manley/Founders Drive


Traffic Control Committee
After hearing complaints from area residents about difficulty turning out onto Manley Road from side streets due to periodic high traffic volume, the city's Street and Traffic Control Committee also recommended new stop signs be installed on Manley Road at Founders Drive and Aidan Streets to help regulate school traffic in that area as well.

A new "raised" crosswalk was recommended in the vicinity of Kemper Lane as well, across from the Middle School. Elevating the crosswalk also acts as a speed control measure.

All of the committee's recommendations must be approved by the city council.

A TAP grant has been applied for for a sidewalk on Manley west to Greeno Road, according to Public Works Director Johnson.

(Speed humps were recommended for neighboring Summer Lake Street as well, type and location to be decided by the POA. )

Stop sign at Aidan St. recommended too.

New crosswalk proposed at Kemper Ln.
