Big Apartment Project Proposed On South Side

Fairhope, Alabama 


Called 'Carmel Park Flats'


Proposed site.


Property owners are proposing a 242 unit complex on the south side of Twin Beech Road (CR 44) just west of Thompson Hall Road in the un-zoned county, outside of city limits; but since it is within the city's extra-territorial jurisdiction, a MOP review by the city will be required by the planning commission (multi-occupancy project).

Because of other new development in the area (ie. Dollar Store, new subdivisions), additional traffic studies are being requested by planning staff to determine needs for turning lanes in/out of the project ... and other possible improvements for intersections in the area (at CR 13, Boothe Road, Hwy 181).



The property is outside of city limits (city limits shown in green on map below) in county planning district 17, where land use zoning has never been adopted by the residents there: just about anything is permitted if all other applicable building regulations are followed. 

'68 Ventures Llc' of Spanish Fort is the developer.


City limits in green.


Site proposed.



Crusty said…
" since it is within the city's extra-territorial jurisdiction, a MOP review by the city will be required by the planning commission (multi-occupancy project)."

The City Planning Commission should make every endeavor to attempt to prohibit this dense population blight from ever becoming reality.
Anonymous said…
Great news just what the area needs . Can we put the new sewer plant next door .
Anonymous said…
You communists still do not seem to understand to concept of private property rights!
Anonymous said…
A wide chasm separates communism and irresponsible growth. For the most part, owners should enjoy broad rights in developing their land, but we all use the infrastructure paid for by the broader community. Rights come with obligations, and recognizing this dynamic is very American. Labeling those who disagree as "communists," on the other hand, is right out of the communist playbook.

Anonymous said…
Well said comrade!
Anonymous said…
I suspect; I certainly hope that the vast majority of residents are against another big apartment.. The developers cleverly foist this on unincorporated property on the edge of the city limits. The planning department needs squeeze every concession possible out of these people. They need to be proactive and try to address possible mega projects up front. I wonder if purchasing a few strategic lots just outside the city limits might improve our ability to ontology these developments better.
Anonymous said…
"Well said comrade!"

Repeating the same charge, over and over, is another fine example of communist tactics.
Crusty said…
Have we reached the point of absurdity in our society where land oligarchs dictate the tone and tenor of city's expansion?
We are in danger of Fairhope being surrounded and bounded by apartment complexes. Is that what we want? I think not!
arlie said…
Come on, boys. What terrible accusations just for voicing your opinion on overgrowth. Fairhope is on its way to becoming a scary place to express your own feelings on events. What happened to "goodwill to men" of just a few days ago??? I thought the comments section required there be no "personal insults". Happy New Year to all.
Publisher said…
All commenters should follow rules for posting or be deleted.
Crusty said…
Labeling folks as Communists is ironic, if not divisive, disruptive, and deceptive. Communist societies have apartments and often collective apartments where several families share a common kitchen, living room, and bathroom for the citizens. The elite have houses or mansions as their primary residence.
But, anyway, some folks like apartments in the USA.
Anonymous said…
Those folks would not be spending millions to build it if not marketable.
Anonymous said…
Consider it done. #thefairhopeway
Anonymous said…
I do not want to belittle or call names. What I would like to see is a thoughtful attempt to limit population density in Fairhope.. It seems the people who promote “growth” have a strategy of developing just outside city limits and I would like to feel the planning department is taking steps to moderate overcrowding. They cannot legally deny property owners their rights but they can force developers to lessen the overcrowding. The idea about buying strategic lots might help some but certain people already own substantial acreage just outside town.
I jhope the planning department won’t roll over and not hold developers accountable..
Anonymous said…
Fairhope needs and should implement a long term plan for development. We the citizens of Fairhope pay for the city's infrastructure through our taxes. A haphazard approach to development doesn't help anyone. Fairhope had developed a little niche or microcosm that makes this area very attractive. Does Fairhope want urban congestion, track housing, and numerous strip malls along all of its highways? I hope not.
Anonymous said…
No way to stop these until people out in the county decide to adopt zoning.
Crusty said…
Apparently it is the absence of good Baldwin County Government that is causing difficulty to Fairhope. Fairhope is a part of Baldwin County, so we should have a voice. What can we do? Can we suggest changes to Baldwin County Government? I apparently do not know much about Baldwin County Government.
Anonymous said…
If citizens living outside of Fairhope city limits want to enact land use planning/zoning, they need to petition the Baldwin County commission for it. Contact the BC planning department for details.
Anonymous said…
Baldwin is a big county and there are areas which can absorb development more easily. Somehow I feel that the crowded parts just get worse. We cannot avoid growth much as I would like it. I would, however, vote for anyone who flat out opposes any more apartments in the county. It won’t be possible to stop but we do not have to make it easy or allow any more congestion than we are forced to. allow.