Mayor Kant Submits Preliminary 5 Year Spending Plan

The Council and Financial Committee recently received the Mayor's anticipated capital spending needs for the next five years--and his suggestions for possible funding sources (utility rate increases, borrowing).
Major Projects on the wish list for 2011 include:
1) Civic center air conditioning repairs $100K
2) Bury electric wires (downtown/bay area) $750K
3) New irrigation system for golf course $860K
4) Replace central computer (AS400) $2 million
5) Build new ball fields/parking/restrooms at recently purchased Manley Rd. property $900K
6) New police radio system (Nexedge) $380K
7) 2 new recycling trucks $240K
8) Replace backhoe (Public Works) $95K
9) Replace street sweeper $145K
10) New Pole Barn (Public works) $150K
11) Misc. Road Paving $1.5 million
12) Fels Ave. drainage $500K
13) Intersection improvements (turn lanes) Greeno@Fairhope Ave. $547K
14) Generators for sewer lift stations $350K
15) Sewer plant upgrades $2 million
16) New water line to Rock Creek neighborhood (along CR 13) $2.5 million.
17) New electronic water meters $350K
A Capital Plan Study Group was later appointed by Council to prioritize/solicit public input. Members: Mayor Kant; Councilmen Mixon & Stankoski; Financial Committee members Mac MaCawley; Stan Grubin.
The Council will decide which projects to fund (if any) when the 2011 budget is formulated later this year and how to fund them (tax/rate hikes, borrow, etc.).
[It was estimated about $51 million would eventually be needed to accomplish all the projects on the 5 year wish list.]


Anonymous said…
he's got to be kidding! we don't need more ball fields, got 30 already! hows he going to pay, more secret utilty rate hikes?