Updated: Rapid Highway 104 Corridor Growth Continues

Fairhope, Alabama

Update: This proposal was ultimately withdrawn by the developer.

north is up


During the August Planning Commission meeting, engineers for a possible 482-lot subdivision on 174 acres outside of city limits along Highway 104 were seeking feedback from the Planning Commission about their site plan proposal for 'Northgate Village',  1/8 mile east of Highway 181. 

If approved, the development would replace an undetermined number of lots in future phases (1 and 3) of the 'Verandas' village subdivision,  already approved for the property in 2016 (Trae Corte, the  owner of Verandas, intends to sell the property).

Existing plans supplanted.
Planning Commission members worried mostly about traffic congestion along Highway 104 and the 181 intersection; engineers for the project said they had been in contact with ALDOT and new turning lanes would be required on 104.  Highway 181 in that area is being widened to 4 lanes now, that includes intersection improvements.

A traffic signal for one of the two neighborhood's entrances on Hwy 104 may be necessary at some point during the six-phase, ten-year build-out period.

Commission chairman Turner talked about the need for connectivity, eventual direct access from Highway 181 via a new street.

Commissioner Dyas observed there is already an issue there,  periodically with 3Circle Church  traffic.

Except for electric, utilities are to be provided by the city.


A public hearing on the proposal was planned during the commission's September 6th meeting.

Engineers for the proposed project are Mullins Llc; and Smart Living Llc. is the developer.

Mullins Llc. engineer


Anonymous said…
It is private property folks.
They can do what they want with it.
Anonymous said…
How can Fairhope be responsible for providing water/sewer services to this many new residences when the system we have is not adequate to handle the current load?
Publisher said…
The city's utility operations director told the Times sewer services can be provided ... if proposed upgrades to the system are implemented.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if they know that parts of phase 6 get anywhere from 3-5 feet of water in very heavy rains. It is part of the fish river watershed and the water flows through there very swiftly - flooding much of the south end.
Anonymous said…
If people out there do not enact zoning it is going to be a big mess!
Anonymous said…
When will the planning for the expansion for 104 begin, or has it already begun?
Publisher said…
To our knowledge, there are no plans to widen Highway 104; only turning lanes at various points.