Year's First Possible High Beach Bacteria Warning

Fairhope, Alabama

Update 1. The yellow sign was still posted Friday even though water retests were negative.


A code yellow possible high bacteria warning (140) was found posted at municipal beach today at 2 PM; a follow-up test tomorrow is required to confirm it for code red to be posted.

An Auburn University study years ago determined both human and animal origins there; bacteria may survive in the sand itself too.

Other testing sites were not affected (Orange Avenue pier, Volanta Avenue).

Bacteria levels often rise after heavy rainfall. The last bacteria warning there was posted in September of 2019, according to ADEM monitoring records. (Bacteria will not survive as long in colder water.)

At this time, no sewage overflows have been reported to ADEM.

Yesterday it was revealed that ADEM had filed suit against the city alleging mis-reporting of sewage overflows and other deficiencies since at least 2015.


Anonymous said…
Alabama Attorney General’s Office filed a lawsuit against the City of Fairhope for an 2300 gallons of sewage that flowed into Big Mouth Gully and the Mobile Bay during October of 2018.

This could have been prevented!
So how much with this cost Fairhope?

Anonymous said…
Lawsuits against the city are covered by insurance. Won't cost a thing.
Anonymous said…
The AG has a problem with Baldwin County and goes out of his way to knock Baldwin or one of its municipalities when he can get away with it and curry votes elsewhere. That being said I can’t imagine he is making up these failure to report violations so someone has completely dropped the ball more than once. If the charges are accurate, and I suspect they are, I think someone needs serious reprimanding. One thing not mentioned is why this state let all these violations stack up before acting. I cannot imagine Fairhope ignored this so repeatedly. If things are as the AG alleges then some heads need to roll. You could blame the mayor and former mayor but they have to rely on the appropriate staff to handle their jobs. This is truly inexcusable.

Since Kant was also in charge of the utilities he would be responsible for mistakes made during his time in office.

Still, going back to 2015 is unnecessary overkill.
Anonymous said…
no coincidence this lawsuit came just before an election.
Anonymous said…
The state AG is about as useful as a door stop under a barn door.This has been an issue in Fairhope for decades.What most fail to realize is the single tax corp and Baldwin co produce approximately 35% of state income.
Anonymous said…
Folks 100 spills,that is 1.6 per month for last 5 years. And when has any Insurance plan not had a limit or deductible.
Anonymous said…
You can go on ADEM website and search files. You will see Fairhope reported every one listed the proper way. Most of the SSO are related to storms, grease stoppages due to restaurant and homes dumping down the drain, and contractors hitting lines. Yes lines have infiltration problems for years of neglect. In the last two years the city has repaired miles of pipe and upgraded lift stations from the council and mayor. If the AG wants money then he can be fair and file law suits against every system in the state starting with a and ending with z. Every system has dumped millions of gallons. No Fairhope is not perfect but you can see the difference that has started the last few years by there reports.
Anonymous said…
OK , it sounds like Fairhope reported properly after all. No heads need to roll. The AG must have prosecuted all the murderers, rapists, and robbers and has time to bully Baldwin/Fairhope. Hope everyone remembers this.