County's Big "Green Machine" Almost Ready To Recylce

Fairhope, Alabama 


New recycling machine.

Allie Thatcher


Recycling machinery has been installed and finishing touches underway at the county's new $25 million Materials Recovery Facility in Summerdale on CR 49 south of the landfill -- funded mostly with federal grants.

Allie Thatcher has been named as MRF manager; 'Salty the Seagull' is their new mascot to encourage recycling especially in schools.

A "single-stream"  (no need to separate) of mixed paper, plastics, cans and cardboard will be accepted. 

An impressive new mural by local artist Banks Compton adorns a water tank -- also to promote participation.

Fairhope will be one of the municipalities participating when it opens next year; the city has been taking its recyclables to the Emerald Coast Utility Authority's  MRF in Cantonment, Fl. for several years, a costly drive for city trucks.

Banks Compton mural.

Summerdale MRF.


Anonymous said…
Why can't they jus burn it all up like they did it in the old days?
Anonymous said…
I wish they would include a shredding option!
Anonymous said…
This article did not explain anything about the machine. Do you consider "recycling" to be just grinding everything up into smaller pieces? Where does this waste go after it is ground up? To a landfill? Shipped to a 3rd world country like most of our so called recycled plastic/cardboard/tin & glass goes?
Publisher said…
See our numerous previous articles for answers or better yet subscribe if you to want to become a better informed citzen:
Anonymous said…
Will there be new trucks and bins (similar to garbage cans) so that the process can work automated similar to garbage pick up?
Publisher said…
Yes. A blue can similar to green garbage cans now is to be issued to everyone. Details still being finalized ...