Record Snowstorm Slams City

Fairhope, Alabama 

Update: City services will return to normal at 2PM Thursday, according to the mayor.




Heavy snow began falling this morning, accumulating to over 6 inches by nightfall making roads treacherous; temperatures are expected to plunge into the low teens overnight. Most stores and businesses closed early and city services were suspended too. 

Temperatures are not expected to rise much above freezing until later in the week.  

Residents are urged to try to stay off roads and exercise caution with their space heaters, which have been known to cause fires in past cold waves. Water faucets should be left to drip overnight too, to prevent freezing.

Piggly Wiggly

N. Section Street

Fairhope West Elementary.


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Snow plows could have all the roads cleared in no time. If we had any.
Anonymous said…
Snow plows? Great use of taxpayer funds if you use them twice in 25 years!
Anonymous said…
Yes, and elephant guns would protect us from rampaging pachyderms on Section Street. Then again, cost-benefit analyses would make both of our comments inane. So, why bother?
Anonymous said…
Yankees will always feel the need to make things here like they are up north.
Anonymous said…
Red Necks will always feel the need to never change.
Anonymous said…
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" .....your friendly redneck
Anonymous said…
Maybe Jesus sent it to chase away more LGBTQs?
Anonymous said…
Nobody is being chased away; the Ts are simply returning to reality. America is done with the nonsense, done with the evil.