New Police Chief Appointed

Tonight-- in a Special Session-- the City Council appointed Baldwin County resident Terry Sanders, a 25 yr. law enforcement veteran (5yrs. as Chief of the Valley Al. Police Dept--NE of Auburn) as Fairhope's "interim" (3 months) Police Chief (to be sworn in Monday). Current Cheif Mike Commalander will be staying with the force as well (Captain). Mr. Sanders has a wife (a R.N.) and two school-age children and cited college educational costs as a primary reason for his coming out of retirement-- as well as a "love for police work". Sanders has a degree from Auburn University in Personnel Management and cites "mutual respect" as the foundation for his management style. Councilman Mike Ford dissented, citing his previous complaints that this Council did not want to re-appoint anyone previously appointed by the Mayor and "it's all about a power struggle." He drew considerable applause from city employees in the audience after observing, "I don't need nobody telling me who to appoint" (referring to outside advice sought from/given by the Federal Gov., insurance carriers, etc.). Simultaneously, a "Search Committee" (comprised of citizens) was to be appointed to review/revise the job description (Chief) , publish it, and interview any/all applicants-- to permanently fill the position. Councilman Kingrea observed: "ALL current members of the police force who may qualify can apply." Also-current Municipal Court Judge Haymes Snedecker was RE-appointed as Municipal Judge for another 2yr. term--by a unanimous vote. legitimate corrections appreciated


Anonymous said…
You say he's an Auburn man? Well I guess we can't hold that agin him--nobody's perfect.
Anonymous said…
how could there be a conspiracy against the Mayor when they just re appointed the old Judge and City Attorney? doesn't make sense.