Bulkhead Repair Funding Sought

At a recent work session, Public Works Director Jennie Fidler proposed applying for a "50/50" matching grant-- from the Alabama Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources--for Mobile Bay bulkhead repairs at the South Beach Park. "The bulkhead has been repeatedly damaged by hurricanes; but not enough to quaiify for FEMA help," according to Ms. Fidler. There would be 2 different grants: one for design/engineering ($20 - $25K) and the other for actual construction of the proposed new 500 ft concrete structure. A discussion followed among Staff/Council about the benefits of wood vs. concrete bulkhead construction-- and the possibility of city crews handling the job themselves. "We need to think about this some more," surmised Council President Quinn. Concerning the large, dead cypress tree "grounded " on the South Beach nearby-- Fidler grinned at the Mayor and said , "We'll need a BOAT to get that!"


Anonymous said…
hope nobody's standing on it when it caves in
Anonymous said…
That Jenny Fidler cracks me up! :)
Anonymous said…
wood's better for that
Anonymous said…
riff raff would be better than any kind of bulkhead. last longer and more enviromental-friendly too
Anonymous said…
thats rip raf, i think. piled up rocks