Faulkner College Amphitheater Planned

An outdoor amphitheater for musical, theatrical and other performances could be completed on the College's Fairhope Campus by the end of the year-- according to College President Gary Branch. The facility will cost about $600, 000 and is to be funded with $250, 000 already raised by the Colony Center for Performing Arts organization, $100,00 from the County, and the rest from state and "other" sources. The accompanying indoor theater originally planned will not be included at this time due to the poor economy and state school "proration", according to Branch. Publisher's Note: According to the group "Citizens Against Government Waste" -- $199,000 was obtained for the project last year from the Federal Government (via Congressman Bonner, Senator Shelby).


Broke Utility Customer said…
dont expect me to help pay for it!