"Grand Man" Triathlon gets funding

After revising her organizations estimated profits downward from $60K to just $1K-- Casi Calloway of the Mobile Baykeepers organization recently received a $1,000 donation from the Mayor/Council to help pay for the cost of off duty police officers to police the route of their upcoming triathlon; and permission to close the rose garden and south beach park for the event. Calloway also said her organization intended to donate $1K of the proceeds to The Eastern Shore Trailblazers. Tourist dollars for downtown businesses/advertising benefits were the main reasons cited for City participation by the Mayor/Council. Citing the City's ongoing financial struggles and need for new revenue streams, Councilman Lonnie Mixon was the lone dissenting vote.


Berryman said…
Way to go Mixon. Time for the grown ups to take charge down there. Enough of the limp wristed school girl, hide the truth, flip flopping stuff. Lets man up and get the job done out in the open, once and for all, for a change.
Anonymous said…
if there was a sales tax on the tourists this thing would pay for itself. my utility bills are high enough already, thank you.
Anonymous said…
Yea, what are you down there anyway, little frightened girlie men? :)