Police Officer Seeks Promotion

According to signs posted around town Thursday, a controversial Fairhope policeman has apparently continued a campaign to become our next Police Chief. Interviews of the six remaining qualified candidates selected by the City's Human Resource Officer-- and the Citizen's Police Selection Committee (out of hundreds of applicants)-- will be conducted at a public meeting tomorrow (Saturday) at the Nix Center; and the final choice possibly made at this Monday's City Council meeting. Fairhope Mayor Kant and Councilman Mike Ford both recently signed a petition to have Griffiis appointed Chief. [The sign in the picture was posted on property owned by Fairhope Councilman Ford]


Pirate Mom said…
I'll just be glad when its all over. Then we can move on to the next embarrassing controversy.
Anonymous said…
he already makes $80K. How much more does he need?
Anonymous said…
I hope honesty wins out for a change. need new chief not from fairhope area
Good Ole Boy said…
The good old boys want their own man appointed Chief so they can go on bending the rules or breaking laws they don't like. Always been done that way.
007 said…
Mayor Kant and Councilman Ford sure seem worried about having someone other than a close friend or relative as police chief for a change. Maybe somebody should go back through their financial records and council votes the last 30 years-- with a fine tooth comb to see what's there. where there's smoke, there's fire.