Hampton Inn Oak Trimming Approved

City Horticulturalist Jennifer Fiddler has OK'd some limited trimming (6 or 8 limbs) of a live oak's limbs overhanging adjacent businesses--just east of the new Hampton Inn downtown. The owners of the businesses had expressed concerns at a recent Tree Committee meeting about the balance of the tree, limbs falling during windstorms; and the tree's potential effect on (rising) insurance costs (especially antiques in one store). This is the same tree whose root system may have been damaged by construction of the hotel. In another matter, Ms. Fiddler reiterated she had disagreed with the excessive number of trees removed recently at the Quail Creek golf course (removal authorized by Mayor) and said "a lot of golfers wanted the trees removed." Someone mentioned golf course design considerations could have been a factor (in the removal) as well as decreasing shading of greens (prevents grass growth).


Anonymous said…
fact is, law sezs you don't need anybody's approval to trim limbs hanging over private property
Shank Man said…
The good old boys have always cut a lot of their shady deals out on the course
Jag Dad said…
The shade from that tree saves those businesses hundreds of dollars in electric cooling bills every year. Be a mistake to cut back the limbs.