Moratorium Declared for Downtown Parking Violations

After a request for direction from new Police Chief Bill Press, and a reminder from City Attorney Wynne (if its on the books, it must be enforced), the City Council declared a 30 day grace period on the 2 hour parking limit downtown (commencing July 13th). Mayor Kant: "We already know who the violators are. We were supposed to start enforcing (it) after the parking structure opened." Councilman Ford agreed: "All you have to do is get the license plate numbers of store owner's and . . . ask them to please start parking in the garage." "Its a bad time with all these big stores opening with big parking lots to start penalizing people. There's a solution out there, but I don't know what it is," added Ford. When asked by Council President Quinn if he had anyone to enforce the parking ordinance, Press replied, "Every one of my officers"-- but added he may need a couple of "meter people" down the road. Press and Councilman Ford were assigned to study the situation and come back with a recommendation in 30 days.


Anonymous said…
if you always suport the Mayor and Ford you never have to worry about getting a ticket anyway
Anonymous said…
church st and delamar are the worst offenders. police issue tickets but city hall doesn't follow through in collection.