Downtown Parking Issues to be Discussed

After hearing City Clerk Lisa Hanks report that there is actually no current downtown parking law on the books--Police Chief Press said he (and others from the City) will be meeting with downtown merchants on Wednesday (Aug. 5th) to discuss parking related issues downtown--including a parking time limit review (2,3,4hr, or no limit), proposed costs for fines, proposed new "angled" parking on Church/Section Streets, installing direction signs to the new parking structure, etc. Councilman Kingrea: "This will be a comprehensive meeting to address all parking issues . . . so we can try and get it right." Chief Press: "We are trying to stay fair and equitable to everyone involved." [Mayor Kant said he thought the current 2 hour time limit signs were put up long ago (1970s)-- by a previous Mayor's direction]


Anonymous said…
please do something about the shop owners on n/s church st who absolutely will not use the parking lots. delamar shop owners are just as bad and a no parking place (like fire lane) is ignored.
Anonymous said…
I do not understand where these shop owners learned how run a retail bussness. It takes customers to keep a bussiness alive. If they can't find a parking space they will go somewere else (like shoping centers). It very inconciderate to even park in front of someone else's shop and stay there all day. It hurts everyone.
If shop owners would park in the parking lots and leave the streets for downtown shopper it would help, it couldn't hurt.