After hearing City Clerk Lisa Hanks report that there is actually no current downtown parking law on the books--Police Chief Press said he (and others from the City) will be meeting with downtown merchants on Wednesday (Aug. 5th) to discuss parking related issues downtown--including a parking time limit review (2,3,4hr, or no limit), proposed costs for fines, proposed new "angled" parking on Church/Section Streets, installing direction signs to the new parking structure, etc.
Councilman Kingrea: "This will be a comprehensive meeting to address all parking issues . . . so we can try and get it right."
Chief Press: "We are trying to stay fair and equitable to everyone involved."
[Mayor Kant said he thought the current 2 hour time limit signs were put up long ago (1970s)-- by a previous Mayor's direction]
If shop owners would park in the parking lots and leave the streets for downtown shopper it would help, it couldn't hurt.