Fairhope Falls on "Best Places" List

The City of Fairhope has slipped from 2nd best place to retire (in 1994) to 14th this year--according to a recent article in Money Magazine. Criteria used by the magazine included: crime; health care; education; cost of living; housing costs; taxation; services; et al. In a 1994 interview, then Mayor James Nix said his priorities were to "maintain our beauty, charm, and character . . . and control growth." Nix: "We're trying to make Fairhope the BEST place to live." Nix retired in 2000--and was replace by then Public Works Director Tim Kant--who was narrowly elected by promising to "Keep Fairhope Fairhope" (His opponent was former Councilman David Bishop--now a County Commissioner). By the 2008 election however, Kant's campaign slogan had changed to a more pro business "Grow or Die."


Anonymous said…
Everybody I know agrees. Fairhope was a bettter place in 1994. We're heading in the wrong direction.
Anonymous said…
Dont blame me--i voted for the other guys. 3 times.
Publisher said…
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WarEagle2 said…
Is Mayor Nix still around. Seems like he walked out of City Hall one day and disappeared from the face of the earth.
Anonymous said…
Glad to see Fairhope slip. Now the retiree's have 13 other places they can go louse up for the younger working crowd. Fairhope was much better off 14 years ago without the influx of do-nothings.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
People may have more confidence in Mayor Kant if he would learn to use the English language correctly. His frequent grammatical errors ("I done this"; "you done that") speak poorly of our town--as well as his alma maters: Fairhope High School and Auburn University.

Its a continuing source of embarrassment for many citizens and a bad example for our children.
Roll_Tide242 said…
Can't expect too much from an Auburn Man! ;)