The Council has approved repairs to a transformer at the Nichols St. substation (inoperative since Sept. 4th) for about $31,000. Electric Super. Sligh said external bushings had to be replaced and carbon cleaned, oil replaced, new gaskets inside. An identical transformer was severely damaged by fire last Spring at another substation (downtown, Morphy Ave); but had to be replaced for about $230,000.
Sligh has previously expressed concerned about the city's aging electrical equipment; and advocated (to the Strategic Planning and FAC Committees) an upgrading strategy--instead of just waiting for inevitable failures (then repair).
Also, a debt ($275,000) owed to the electric department by the golf fund (now part of the general fund) was forgiven. Projected transfers from the electric fund (to general) will have to increase from 65% to about 70%--in the just adopted FY2010 budget (depending on as yet undetermined wholesale electric energy costs).
Financial Reporting Officer Fogarty: "(this) will require and additional trasfer from the electric fund to the general fund . . . an expense to electric . . . revenue to general . . . on paper (only) . . . its no dollars."
"Scott (Sligh) may disagree . . . though." Fogarty concluded.
[Publisher's Note: An electric rate hike (now being called an "adjustment" by FAC Chairman Zunk) first proposed by the Mayor in his FY2010 budget, and subsequently included (apparently) in the Council's, still has to be voted on by the Council before it can take effect. The Mayor proposed eliminating the controversial fuel adjustment charge at the same time.]