Electric Rate Study Authorized: Significant Hike Coming Jan 1st?

At Monday's council Meeting, an electric "rate study" was authorized by the Mayor/City Council, to be funded by the city's electricity supplier, AMEA. The study is expected to recommend a (considerable) electric rate "adjustment" (increase) for city residents (beginning Jan. 1st)-- turning a net loss (after transfers to the General Fund for city expenses) of $121,187 in 2009 into a profit of over a million dollars in 2010. (While cost for electricity/other expenditures are not expected to change significantly over 2009) The FY2010 city budget submitted by the Mayor--and recently approved by the Council--projects Electric Fund profits to increase over 80% (over last year)--from $1,458,400 to $2,732,828-- apparently due solely to the proposed rate hike on customers. (Expenditures to remain flat, at about $16.7 million) In 2010, about $1.6 million dollars are projected to be transfered out of the Electric Fund to the General Fund, to run the city/pay salaries, etc--about the same as last year (FY2009). [Note: $150,000 will be taken out of Electric to fund "Community Development" projects (ie. donations to charities/veterans, chamber of commerce, environmental causes, school study, parades, etc.]


Anonymous said…
if we're in such great financial shape as as some of our politicians claim, why do we need to increase our electrical rates? just cut back all the unnecessary spending please.
mamamia said…
How come we decide how much to increase rates even before doing a rate study? Seems backwards doesn't it or am i missing something?
Anonymous said…
It would be cruel to raise senior citizen's electric rates way up this winter who didn't get a social security increase this year for the first time ever just to pay for more ball fields and things we dont really need much
anonimouse said…
It will have to be a huge "adjustment" to make those numbers come our right. Guess they think we have deep pockets.
Anonymous said…
a 2% sales tax because we were broke, couldn't meet the budget for 2009. now spending like they have Obama's printing press.
Fairhope pays an outside consultant to decide how much utility fuel adjustment surcharge should be to meet budget...ever seen salaries vs administrative fees in utility dept? I hope everyone is thinking about 2012 and not just 2010. Thought Mixon and Kingrea would help stop this freight train.
Anonymous said…
AMEA is in "business" to make money, now it doesn't take a genius to figure out they will spin all information in favor of a rate increase and I believe Kant serves as current president of AMEA. No faith in this study. No faith in anything to do with gov't. and more spending without any means of conserving as the atm machine taxpayers must do.