Fairhope Police Chief Comments About 'Ravenite' Standoff

At the January Police Advisory Committee meeting, Chief Bill Press spoke briefly about the Nov. 24th incident at the Ravenite pizza pub on S. Section St.: "I was set to go . . . trip to Tennessee . . . got a call that night . . . had a barricaded individual. . . claimed he had a weapon . . . claimed he was going to blow up the Ravenite . . . had the potential to do that using natural gas(ovens) . . . so officers responded and did exactly what supposed to do . . . sealed off area . . . called for additional units . . . called the Fire Dept, Gas Dept. to shut off gas . . . can't thank them both enough . . . Lt. Joe Petties made sure everything done according to police standards. Terry (Assistant Chief) gets there before I do . . . makes sure everything gets done correctly. . . then I get there and didn't have to do a thing! Telling you, its a wonderful thing having personnel there to make sure everything that needs to be done is done. Craig(Sawyer), our media expert, dealt with them . . . had them separated as far away as possible . . . dealt with them till he had to put on his SWAT stuff, made entry with the SWAT team lead by Officer Davis . . . then Craig had to put his suit back on and go address the media . . . lots of multi-tasking. Want you to know the Council has supported us 100% on this . . . can't thank them enough for doing so . . . we had co-ordinated involvement with state, federal, and county personnel . . . got phone calls from everywhere . . . offering assistance . . . they reached out to us . . . everybody seemed to want to make sure Fairhope PD had everything we needed . . . but, I didn't get a call from The President . . . didn't really expect that! (laughter) Can't go into particulars . . . case is ongoing . . . as Chief I'm telling you ... couldn't be more pleased with my officers and SWAT team. (loud audience applause)
