The City Council has formed a new Committee to examine the "operations and organization" of the City's Public Works Department. Committee members will be: Greg Mims, James Gilespie, Charles Smith, Debbie Quinn.
In a prior public forum, City Administrator Mims announced he's working on improving communications and "customer service" by all Departments, citywide: "I remind people every day, we work for the public . . . we may not like it . . . but ya'll are our bosses . . . call to have a pothole fixed or whatever . . . or come home and garbage can's all messed up or (collection) skipped . . . individual employee (needs to be) assigned to fix it . . . start holding people accountable for basic services."
Mims also mentioned beginning annual evaluations of employees and Department Heads: to determine strengths and where improvement's needed (some evaluations--such as his own, Department Heads', etc.-- will now be accomplished by the City Council).