Council President Mixon Comments on Accomplishments/Budget Woes

Mixon: "Required shift to 'Strong' Council began a year and a half ago . . . Council charged by Alabama law with making laws, policies . . . Mayor charged with carrying them out. . . . ultimate authority lies with Council . . ."
"Strategic Planning Committee formed last year found . . . wages and benefits comprise 1/3 of our budget . . . our pay and benefits 20% higher than comparable other cities/private sector . . . no organizational chart, job descriptions, formal pay scales . . . no plans to upgrade utilities . . . inadequate reserve funds."
"City income was high during building boom years . . . now the boom had fizzled . . . left with heavy debt . . . been borrowing money to keep the city running . . . it was obvious we needed professional help . . . Greg Mims (another town's former city manager) was appointed City Administrator (already an employee, minimal additional cost to city) ."
"A Financial Advisory Committee was formed . . . take till 2013 to build up reserve funds . . . reduce transfers from utilities . . . city still on fixed income . . . need to look at every level of city expenditures . . . streamline city functions to cut costs . . . critical we start now . . . start planning for the future."


Tea Party said…
We could cut our work force by 20% easily. its just a jobs program for friends of politicians. Worse than th federal government. Just raising citizen's utility rates isnt a solution for every problem that comes along!