Financial Committee: Golf Course, Nix Center "Bleeding Money"

The Financial Committee has concluded these are two economic concerns for the City: ". . . something has to be done there."
Other concerns/cost cutting measures mentioned:
1) find ways to reduce the city's share of employee health insurance premiums.
2) the recreation center needs to provide more data to the committee
3) home use of city vehicles (end it)
4) grass cutting/custodial/other maintenance could be "bid out" to private sector
5) garbage and trash pick-up could be reduced to once weekly.
6) purchasing flowers/other plants rather than growing our own in greenhouses could save money
7) sewer operations and rates may need to rise (another water/sewer rate study is underway)
8) library card fees may be needed ($15/yr. was mentioned)
9) eliminate waiving of fees for using the Civic Center (for events involving police and other public services)
10) house prisoners elsewhere so that more police can be put on the streets
11) raise utility deposits and collect delinquent accounts: " ... a lot of people are way behind ... "
A Special Council Worksession will be held this Monday at 2pm to discuss financial issues.


Anonymous said…
what good is having a financial advisery committee if the mayor and councilmen never take its advice? dont make sense. they just go on raising our utilitys like it was nothing
Anonymous said…
They could stop the trash trucks from driving around the same block 6 times w/o picking up one iota of trash.