$4.8 Million Fairhope Courthouse Expansion Approved: Still Needs Funding Source

According to county documents, an additional $1.5 million is still needed to fully fund construction of the proposed Fairhope Satellite Courthouse expansion--although the construction contract has already been awarded (Stuart Construction, Bay Minette).
In 2008, an earlier proposal caused controversy when a a small strip of land (south-east side) was purchased by County Commissioners (from Fairhope Realtor/longtime Councilman Mike Ford) for over twice its appraised value, allegedly because no more "parking lot" land was available, but subsequently about an acre was purchased for that same purpose nearby (west).


T Party said…
hope they're not planing to raise taxes after the election's over!
Anonymous said…
how can you spend money you don't have in this economy? why is a larger satellite courthouse needed? and most importantly where does the extra money come from?
Anonymous said…
Better question... Is the reason for the counties case backlog due to poor facilities? Or is the court house a solution to a logistics problem? What is the basis, and where exactly is the need. Is this simply a kick back for David Ed to say "Look what I did!"