City Gets Oil Contamination Prevention Money From BP

The city recently received $650K for emergency oil contamination prevention measures, should they become necessary: part of the $25 million the state received from BP.
Councilmember Quinn questioned why $200K was being earmarked for use outside the city limits (Grand Hotel): "I don't know how you'd do that."
Assistant Public Works Director Eslava: " . . . if we've got sheen coming this way . . . go into it (money)."
Eslava said the plan is to stretch a double row of boom from the Magnolia Beach Townhomes to the Yatcht club.
City Administrator Mims said he'd already picked up the check and placed it in an "interest bearing" account.


Tea Party said…
i hope they know what they're doing.
Anonymous said…
Bet the Mayor ordered it put in his favorite bank. you know, the one he borrows from to finance his election campaigns. :(