Councilman Kingrea Seeks Progress Reports on Various Citizens' Issues

At their last meeting, Councilmember Kingrea asked some followup questions about progress being made on several issues of concern to citizens: Oak St. intersection, Nichols St. deck, parking in front of police station, and fluorescent painting of some flower beds.
Since the Mayor was not present, Public Work's Fidler and City Attorney Wynne attempted to answer.


Anonymous said…
give em hell, Rick baby!!!
Anonymous said…
this particular council meeting Mike Ford appeared to be totally disinterested and half asleep except for the painting of the flower beds discussion.
T Party said…
seems like it takes an act of congress around here to get simpl questions answered. our government's broken.
Anonymous said…
They just say whatever th mayor orders them to say. may be true, may not be. who knows. a sorry way to run a city