More Problems Reported With City's Recycling Service

Note: Video Now Available (technical problem solved)
At the last Council meeting, Public Work's Fidler answered a citizen's question (who had seen workers throwing away recyclables in with the garbage) about the city's troubled recycling service.
Last year it was reported recyclables were piling up on the docks at Public Works (no market for them)--and the program was operating in the red.
Fidler say here their currently problems are only with glass.
Daphne considered ending their recycling last year due to similar problems.
Publisher's Note: In a possible cost cutting effort, the City Council is currently taking bids to privative garbage/recycling.
Ms. Fidler also talks about the removal of some crepe myrtle trees that have grown too big from state highway right of ways.
[Note : Fidler has requested (preliminary 5 yr capital plan) 3 new recycling trucks ($120,000 ea) for FY 2011.]


Tea Party 2 said…
Well thats just great. You mean I'm going to all the trouble to sort and put out my glass things an its just being thrown away? What a waste of everybody's time! Its called bad government. :(
Publisher said…
Recently, in a cost-cutting effort, and perhaps in anticipation of the city's eventual participation in the county's planned Team Green single stream recycling, Fidler proposed ending the city's recycling altogether but keeping twice weekly garbage pickup.

Self service recycling would continue in some form.
Anonymous said…
then why do you need 3 recycling trucks if you are going to end recycling? city of fairhope can waste more money
Anonymous said…
A lot of those people have lost all credibility. How can we be sure she's telling us the truth. Strap on a lie detectors the only way i guess. Who knows.