Single Tax Corp. Offers to Help Fund Public Works Projects

At a recent Council meeting, Single Tax Colony President Larry Thomas recently offered to help the city fund some public works projects around town, including connecting Bishop to Boothe Rd., various new sidewalk projects, extending W. Nichols St. and building a gazebo there, improvements to the Winn Dixie drainage basin, etc.
"We want to partner with the city . . . help (you) save some money . . . tons of school traffic out there . . . we've offered to pay for the materials . . . extend that road from Nichols over to Morphy . . . our offer still stands . . . not even sidewalks in that area . . . we'll participate in that as well . . . back in 1994, we offered to pay for the extension (when new Fairhope High was built) . . . offer still stands . . . we want to see that thing get going.
We're committed to assist building various sidewalks (elsewhere) too . . . particularly those joining or abutting lessees' property.
We're working with lessees . . . 'public parklands' area (donated to city in 1930s) . . . connect Nichols to White Ave.(near the bay) . . . thought we had an agreement . . . (provide materials) construct a gazebo there too . . . at end of Nichols . . . offer still stands.
The Winn Dixie drainage basin (needs) improvements . . . here to help (finance) that too . . . getting concerned . . . everything's at a dead stop . . . don't know why.
What can we do? Contact me . . . we can help . . . got talent . . . we're here to help . . . want a commitment from you . . . get these projects going. Let me know what I need to do to help."
The Council's Debbie Quinn (who has been in contact with Thomas) said later some more right of way may be needed to save the old oak trees in the proposed Bishop right-of-way (make it a "boulevard").
[Publisher's Note: The relationship between the Single Tax Corporation/City government has historically often been strained--and reached a boiling point during the last election cycle when its then VP ran for Mayor.]
Proposed connection.
This is looking south from the Bishop/Morphy intersection.
