Still No Progress Made on the Controversial Boat

At last Monday's council meeting it was reported that despite recent assurances from Mayor Kant that it was about to be bought/moved, no progress has been made concerning the disposition of the state surplus boat, now being stored at the marina (end of Seacliff Dr.).
City Administrator Mims: ". . . have to ask the Mayor . . . I've never been involved . . . (he) said someone in Loxley was purchasing it."
Councilman Ford: "I talked to Mayor today about this . . . we never really purchased it . . . not ours . . . just sitting there. . . what's the worry."
Mims: ". . . its on city property leased by the (Fly Creek) marina owner (Walls)."
Treasurer Nancy Wilson: " . . . we never paid anything for it. . . (but) . . . it was delivered to us . . . by city employees."
Kingrea: ". . . its in our care and custody, control."
Attorney Kingrea said earlier he is trying to get answers to constituents' questions-- and has expressed concern himself about possible future liability issues for the city concerning the boat.
Mayor Kant did not attend the Council meeting.
(The Mayor had the boat moved here from state custody early last year, intending to purchase it for joint usage with the privately owned Fairhope Yacht Club-- but was blocked by the City Council on legal/ethical grounds.)
A Jan. 2009 Press Register Editorial:


Anonymous said…
why can't we get a answer to a simple quetion like the boat? why are our employees scared to talk? our governments broken. :(
Anonymous said…
all the secrecy makes me suspicious. employees are scared to tell us the truth too they say.