Councilmember Stankoski Says "Just Say No" to Spending to Balance Budget

During the discussion of a new Resolution to allow more money to be taken from the city's utilities to run the city in coming years (from 50% to 60% of profits)--Councilmember Stankoski said he was opposed to any increase; because the utilities needed it to up-grade their infrastructure.
Stankoski: "Every time the budget gets tight, we pull money from utilities. At some point . . . its time to say no . . . look for other ways to balance our budget."
"We can't do all we want to do . . . and we can't do all we used to do."
Council President Mixon warned that since next year's budget has been predicated upon the 60% figure, the Budget Committee would have to start all over again if the higher figure was not approved by Council. Councilmember Quinn pointed out that the originally proposed (by staff, committee) 65% transfer increase had been cut to only 60%. Councilmember Kingrea sided with Stankoski: "Its appropriate . . . the way to go . . . need to work toward that goal (50% limit) . . . at some point we have to have the courage of our convictions." Kingrea then proposed a compromise: to increase transfers for the year 2011 to 60%--then reduce them back down to 55% in 2012." Kingrea: "Then the next council can do whatever they want to do."
Councilman Ford said it didn't really matter much anyway--the Council can change it to whatever they want it to be--at any time.
The Resolution passed 4-1.


Anonymous said…
stick to the original 50% and cut expenses elsewhere. we need to update our utilities.
T Party said…
they can't control spending. the special interests won't let them