At the last Budget Committee meeting, Chief Bill Press said he needed 5 new officers to adequately patrol Fairhope's unusually large jurisdiction (88 sq. miles); but would settle for only one due to tight city finances. An alternate proposal has been made to reduce the jurisdiction's size.
These committees are only advisory, the city council has ultimate authority.
I want to see a stronger presence on Greeno, dealing with speeders, running red lights, and doing something about enforcing the noise ordinance. I am OVER the growing number of bass-thumping vehicles in town, especially between 10pm & 2am.
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong but I am pretty sure Fairhope gets a percentage of tax from businesses in the PJ as well as building permit fees. If they pull back to the City Limits I think they would lose any revenue from the area as well. They may decide the additional revenue isn't worth the cost or the hassle, but it's something they need to consider.