City's New Budget Not Produced by Politicians in "Smoke Filled" Back Rooms

At last Monday's Council Meeting, Budget Chairman Stan Grubin said the proposed $57 million 2011 budget "didn't begin in (politicians') smoke filled offices,"  but rather with a Jun. 3rd meeting with the city's Dept. Heads who described their most pressing needs for the coming year(s). Then, during "a whole bunch of public hearings" and other discussions, Senior Staff on the Committee whittled it down to just the highest priority items-- anticipating another "tight" financial year.

Their  most pressing needs included: replacement of the obsolete AS 400 computer system; a new fire truck; road paving; repair leaking Nix Center roof; and set money aside for emergency reserve funds.

Also, Utility Dept. Managers cited numerous expensive needed repairs to their aging plants; but it was agreed a comprehensive professional engineering study would be advisable (more cost-effective) before beginning those multi-million dollar upgrades.

Council President Lonnie Mixon said earlier this year he thought that "taking the politics out of city finances" was important  to balancing this year's budget.


Anonymous said…
The Mayor and Ford are mad because they didn't get the million dollars to build the new ball fields they wanted on Manley Rd.
Anonymous said…
IDK, I kind of like all the perks Fairhope offers. It keeps my property values high.

The dog park, the flowers, everything we have going for us is what draws people to Fairhope and makes them wish they lived here and not to mention when they shop here.

I'm torn on what Kant and the Council are disagreeing on.