Remarks made by Mayor Kant at last Monday's Council meeting that he opposed the appointment of a Committee of "un-elected people" (without him on it) from the beginning, seem to contradict earlier ones he made in a newspaper interview last June, when he said he was "not worried" about it: "The Council has every right to do whatever they want to with the city's finances . . . ."
The report (and records from the June council meeting) indicates Councilman Ford, who also said Monday he opposed the make-up of the Budget Committee, voted for it back in June, with its current membership.
Just how much impact citizen committee appointees should be allowed to have on city policy (vs. the duly elected politicians) has become a bone of contention in the last year.
The report (and records from the June council meeting) indicates Councilman Ford, who also said Monday he opposed the make-up of the Budget Committee, voted for it back in June, with its current membership.
Just how much impact citizen committee appointees should be allowed to have on city policy (vs. the duly elected politicians) has become a bone of contention in the last year.
I trust ordinary citizen volunteers with my money more than any pol with special interests to satisfy.
Secondly, the fact that Gulf Coast Newspapers/Fairhope Times has to link to Mobile Register for news let's you know how valuable of a news organization they are. This isn't Mayberry, we don't need to rely on the big city for reporting. Do your jobs.