Fairhope Mayor Kant Expects Electric Rates to Rise 10% Next April
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At a recent meeting, Mayor Kant said electric rates would have to rise again this coming April.
(AMEA is the electricity supplier. Kant is their Treasurer)
Tea Party 2 said…
This guy's always talking about spending more of our money! A chicken in every pot. How about cutting back, A smaller government for a change.
Anonymous said…
this is why our present council is trying to reign in excess spending.
Anonymous said…
I love how we keep having to spend more money and get nothing "new" or "better" in return...in the middle of the Obama recession no less. Property taxes, homeowner's insurance, utility rates...all wanting more money when people just don't have it. CUT city employees if you need to...not the best solution, but if you pay out more than you bring in, do it. The private sector does it all the time...why should government employees be immune?