Fairhope High School/Other Groups Seeking $550,000 Donations From City Council


sports request
The Fairhope High Pirate Booster Club is seeking $35,000/yr. for the next five years ($175K total) for expansion and remodeling of the boy's athletic facility, resurfacing of practice fields, the addition of an outdoor track, and new soccer fields on the Manley Rd. property the city purchased for the school in 2009 (for aprx. $900,000).

The city's share would amount to only 15%: total costs projected to be $975,000, the majority coming from other public/private sources.


According to Finance Chairman Zunk, The Chamber of Commerce is also seeking $175,000 (over 5 years) for its Blueprint for Tomorrow advertising campaign and the Veteran's Memorial Committee wants another $200,000 for their proposed memorial (Tears of Sorrow, Tears of Joy) to be located on the bluff.


One finance committee member, Stan Grubin, expressed some skepticism--citing the fact that city employees were given no raises the past two year due to the city's tight finances.


Such donations come from the city's Community Developments funds budget, which is financed mostly from citizens' utility bills-- a practice Mayor Kant has repeatedly defended as better than using "tax dollars." (For the 2011 budget, $74,000 was to be taken from the water, gas and electric funds individually: totaling $222,000. In prior years, most had come from electric. Presumably, the new requests would be included in next year's (2012) budget, beginning this Oct. 1st.)


The Mayor has already announced plans for a 8.8% electric rate hike for this year, due to new environmental regulation costs. (Another 2% may come in November)

Two Councilmembers (Stankoski and Quinn) expressed reluctance recently over having to raise citizens' electric rates during such hard economic times.


Rather than approve/deny individual requests as they come in, the Finance Committee decided it was prudent to defer all requests until its regular budget meetings later this year (June).


Anonymous said…
I can see giving them half that much.
A J said…
i think an employee pay raise ought to come before any more give aways.
Anonymous said…
The article is incorrect. The City did not purchase the Manley Rd property for the school, it was purchased for the Parks and Rec Dept so they have room for future expansion. With the population boom we experienced in the past decade all of the current city sports league facilities (soccer, baseball, football, and softball) are overflowing and need more room to accomodate the numbers they currently have.

The money requested by the Booster Club would be only for the field house, track and surface for a practice field on school property.
fairhopegal said…
I attended the meeting. Mike Ford said it inclided new soccer fields for the city's Manley Rd property. Councilman Kingrea seemed surprised. He thought that was a separate request.
R2D2 said…
You can bet your bottom dollar the Honor Flight Guy will be showing up too soon with a room full of old vets. It nearly impossible for our politicians to turn him down.
Anonymous said…
@fairhopegal: I'm surprised and a little alarmed at the inclusion of the development of the Manley Rd property in the proposal. Sorry I spoke out of turn, everything I had heard was that the Booster Club proposal was for only for facilities on the FHS property.
Anonymous said…
What exactly are these "environmental regulation" costs that require a 10% hike on electric bills? You cut back, cut back...try to conserve as much as you can and your monthly bill STILL keeps going up. Raising utility bills ARE tax increases! I work in the private sector and haven't had a raise in 3 years, so no pity on that front. None of those donation requests seem to be warranted when, at the same time, you're socking it to every citizen in their monthly utility bill.
Anonymous said…
I agree an employee payraise needs to be the prioity befor all these frivolous items