Fairhope's 1165th National Guard Assumes Duty


Kabul, Afghanistan
The partly Fairhope-based 1165th Military Police Company (170 soldiers, 18 of them women) recently assumed the duty at Camp Eggers in Kabul, Afghanistan -- from the Maine 1136th.

Commanding Officer Captain Courtney Pullam and Sgt. Charles Johnson uncased the 1165th's company colors, which will be responsible for providing force protection and base security for the next year.

Brigadier General Theodore Johnson is the overall Commander of Task Force Rushmore,  consisting of over 3,000 U.S and coalition forces.


Anonymous said…
God Bless Them......
Anonymous said…
if you have a dog, then consider purchasing a doggie bandana. all proceeds go to aide the soldiers and their families. only 5 or $7 and can be purchased at Dr. Corte's on s Greeno rd or at he fairhope city hall.
harryoutdoors said…
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